Pissed by manufacturers bad design choices I came up with OneDevice

I don’t know what happenned in the mind of smartphones manufacturers, but they all started to make very big, unpractical phones.
And the craziest part, is that today there are bezel-less, round-corners LCD that takes most of the phone surface. This means that OneDevice can have a 4.7″ LCD while being smaller than an iPhone4!

So we could be having small convinient phones with actually big screens. And instead we’re carrying around fridge-sized phones!!
Let’s say STOP to this madness!
16:9 VS crazy 19:9 or even 21:9 giraffe aspect ratios
When manufacturers reached the maximum width that one hand can hold (around 75mm) then they went right up. Resulting in crazy aspect ratios, giraffe-style smartphones. And this extra size is 100% useless most of the time !
16:9-media comparaison

The fact is, most media use 16:9 aspect ratio. So wider screen than that results in black strips on the side. So you just carry around this useless screen area that still drain battery.
Giraffe “No-Thumb-Zone”

Well I think it’s pretty self-explanatory… The wider the phone, the less your thumb can reach out. Big phones are just not convinient.
Home screen comparaison

Because of the no-thumb-zone, typical Home screen of giraffes usually don’t have much icons. The top of the screen is not much used.

Because your thumb can go everywhere on the screen, you can actually have more usable icons on the Home screen!

Do I even have to say it aloud? Try to put your 6.5″ smartphone in ANY pocket. This is just not happening. Or even if you can fit your phone in your trouser pocket, then you can’t sit anymore. I mean how annoying is that ? I even took the habit of carrying a backpack now just to fit this damn giant thing.
A Flagship-Killer that you will enjoy carrying around.
Did you knew smartphone production cost is only around 35% of retail price? In order to bring you flagship-level specifications at a reasonable price, we will sell only on our website. Cutting all middlemen and prenium-overcosts.
- An awesome camera. A must.
- Headphone Jack
- 128 GB storage
- 6 GB memory
- 4.7″ 720 x 1280 px
- Octa-core 2.3GHz
- Dimensions : 116 x 66 mm
- Stock Android – No bloatware

Interested by OneDevice? Sorry but you CAN’T have it.
Smartphones are not difficult to design but the MOQ (minimum order quantity) to manufacture is currently too high (around 50 000 pieces). So right now you just can’t get it, you’re stuck with your fridge sized phone or your 2012 phone.
The only way you could get it in the future, is if enough people sign-in to show their interest. This means that it will NOT happen without you!
To become a reality it must become viral. To help virality I built a referral system to encourage you to share OneDevice. The more “OD-Points” you have, the bigger the discount you’ll get on OneDevice! The 100 top ranked members will even get OneDevice for free on release!
Join us now and together we’ll put an end to this craziness!
OneDevice in the media
Why settling just for a better sized phone? When it can do so much more.
Check out the other awesome features we’ll include in OneDevice !
Who am I?
I’mPierre from France. I’m an engineer and I like to develop electronic products. My first creations were game consoles called RetroStone2, RetroStone and Raspiboy which all launched successfully on Kickstarter. The idea of designing a smartphone have been in my mind for a long time as it’s very similar to game consoles. The only issue as stated above is the MOQ, so I hope you’ll join ! 🙂